Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to the 'Yota family Taco

When I called my dad on Saturday and told him I bought a new tacoma, his response was 'another Toyota!'
I say don't knock it until you try it. This is my third 'yota. My other two were great. I only stupidly got rid of my first taco to buy a jeep which was fun but 12mpg won't hunt. The 4runner has 140K on it and isn't tired in the slightest (the wife is loving it back in SC). This girl has 90K on her, so I figure she has a lot of life left for a taco, probably another 200K easy :) 
She has a tiny fender blemish, but a rubber mallet should fix that up lickity split.

I'm not fond of the side rails, a bit too 90's for me, so I'll probably lose them pretty quickly.

The deer sticker will also be going replaced by an olde grey sticker if I can dig one up.

She came with a second set of tires. These are Grabber  MTs with studs in them for running low air on ice, good winter tires even though I prefer siped tires to studs. The other tires are on standard toyota cast rims and will be replaced by some 33 muds or ATs for summer use.

The suspension is standard sag for a later model taco. Nothing new there. New springs and she'll sit an inch higher. I figure I'll probably wait until summertime and maybe even upgrade to long travel for more clearance for the 33s that are on my birthday list.

The topper is actually black but fools the eye a bit because the green color is so dark.
I'm looking forward to getting her into Autocrafts for a full once over.
She's got autostart, warm cabs are nice when the mercury takes a dip.

I ran her through the carwash today to knock the snow and ice out of the nooks and crannies I shoved it in yesterday with my impression of a merry go round.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Just glad you didn't get a crappy Ford! Looks good! :)