Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More of the world of Fort Greely

Post Headquarters.

That way to the main gate.

Main directional sign. Everything resides on 2 main streets.

Entrance to the Theater. 2 movies total. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

A real good old fashioned Wood shop. band saws, table saws, clamps, sanders. Wood shops have been disappearing across the Army, very glad to have one. I plan on building some stuff once I can get ahold of some wood.

The sports bar, open Friday and Saturday nights from 5-8pm. Why so early, the time difference has most sports happening much earlier than on East Coast or Central Time. Monday night football starts at 4. No joke.

Billets. Soldier housing for singles. Also the dfac and sports bar as well as some other general services for soldiers.

The Warrior Zone. A place for soldiers to hang out, play pool, video games and get on computers. Most soldiers can do this from their room, so it doesn't get used much.

Family housing.

The Chapel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lived here back in the late 60's/early 70's. Still remember Ft. Greely like it was yesterday. What wonderful memories!! Thanks for sharing these great pics!