Sunday, January 30, 2011

Anchorage Adventure

Friday went without a hitch. At about noon, Richard and I headed for Fairbanks and my awaiting plane. The 100 mile drive was leisurely with lots of conversation about anything and everything as is my usual. We hit up Asiana, a korean, japanese, chinese, sushi joint in Fairbanks. I had a Chirashi bowl (raw everything in a bowl over rice and seaweed salad), pretty good overall. I was a bit taken back by the lack of tax again. I'm so used to working it into the bill automatically, but $9.95 is $9.95. Period. Cool. Afterwards we wanted to kill a little time so I wasn't at the airport forever since my flight was at 7:10 p.m., so we headed over to Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble is pretty much Barnes and noble anywhere in the States. True still in Alaska with the exception of the giant gas fireplace for reading around.

Warm your tootsies while reading books you'll never buy.

I snuck next door to Sportsmans to look at some camo wool pants I saw last week.

Giant bronze in front. Unlike SC which has elk out front, the animals out front in alaska are really the animals that live here. No offense, but the Elk at the Sportsmans in Cola always made me laugh a little.

Bronze Moose.

After maybe a 1/2 hour Richard dropped me off at the airport. I had waited too long to get Alaska Airline tickets and take one of the big planes, the price doubled on Thursday so I ended up taking Eras Aviation, which are smaller commuter planes. They moved my fly time up to 4:10 pm and before I knew it we were loading up.

Here's my twin turboprop. Like 30 seats total but with full drink and snack service. Mmmmm. Chocolate chip cookies. All for under $100 bucks. Cheaper than driving one way.

Halfway to Fairbanks I realized I forgot the camera on the couch, so these shots are iphoners. I didn't want to flag my phone battery in case I needed it later,I forgot to mention, I also forgot my charging cord. Doh!! So I didn't take a lot of picutres of the Millenium Hotel I stayed in. It was full of artificats and lithos and pictures of animals and aviation history. I grabbed dinner in the bar, had a couple glasses of 'daddy's medicine' and went to bed. I slept in and got up shortly before Rufo called saying he and my soon to be truck were in the parking lot. I ran down, kicked the tires, popped the hood and gave it a thorough looking over. Not bad at all. We headed to the bank, sorted out the paperwork, transferred some funds and I became the new owner of a 1997 Tacoma. Now for the long drive back to Delta, 350 miles distant.

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