Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo essay of the pilgrimage to the Great White North

Here are my bags all packed to go. Clothes, clothes and more clothes. The middle bag is my carry-on and has a down jacket, parka, long underwear, mittens, stocking cap, wool socks and extra long underwear. I dare United to lose my regular bags. Oh and my tooth brush and deodorant. VITAL!!! Here they sat for three extra days due to what you see below.

Our patio on Monday morning. Doesn't look much like South Carolina does it.

 After the snow stopped falling the rain came and made a nice crust of ice on top of everything. But I didn't fall down go boom, had to wait to get up here for those shenanigans.

This is Garners Ferry Rd coming back from Starbucks, which was closed even though employees were inside. Filthy Animals!!! It doesn't look too bad for other parts of the country but I heard the stat that on this day in SC there were over 1400 car accidents, 400 in the columbia area. Southerners!

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