Saturday, January 15, 2011


So I originally decided to put this thing together so I could chronicle the everyday changes seasonally from bitter cold to long days of summer. I think now that it has already morphed a bit. Daily ramblings of negative this and negative that would probably just get dull. Instead, i think i will try to make each entry a small story unto itself as they happen, especially the adventures, but I will try to put up posts often enough that people check it frequently enough to stay engaged. Whatever that means. So onto the title, The COLD.
Yes it is cold in Alaska in the Winter. Oh my goodness, say it ain't so Joe. Yep. Yep and more Yeps.
But cold ain't all that bad, even though ain't ain't a word. So far the temps have varied from low single digits to the blustery wind chill enforced -43 of today. With the right clothes, its easily tolerable. the big difference is the wind. The wind is the teeth of the cold, its bite. Without the wind the other morning I was actually starting to sweat a little bit walking and had to unbundle. The wind today had xray vision and was like millions of my wife's tiny cold feet dancing all over me. stop that. Even under down and wool and long johns of space age petro tech, I could feel the invisible draft washing over me. However the difference between here and SC, here they are not stingy with the heat. The doors have vents directly underfoot when you walk in, most buildings have arctic entries (a closed super heated mud room), and the steam radiators are absolutely amazing for instantaneous heat. I ended up kicking off the covers last night as I got a bit too warm for my liking.
All in all, I'd say the cold adds another thing to prepare for in the morning, otherwise, it's really not that bad and hasn't kept me from venturing out yet. I did turn down a snowmachine ride this weekend though since my first shipment of goods, the one with my heavy winter boots, thank you Peter, has yet to arrive. Once that 16 cu ft box shows up though, it is game on. Fish under the ice and moose in the trail take notice, Dan(ger) Cain is on the loose. Adios for now.

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