Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On starting working out again.

OUCH!!! Well I decided since I have ample time on my hands with few distractions, I should take the opportunity to try to get back in some semblence of a shape other than round (even Redneck is looking leaner). That's right, the gym beckons.
Yesterday was day three. The first two days were cardio and light lifting to get the muscles warmed up. Yesterday at lunch, Richard took the lead on the days workout. Chest, tris and shoulders. Oh joy. We did three rounds of dumbell press, three rounds of incline dumbells, three rounds of overhead dumbells, three rounds of tricep push downs. All to failure or quite near failure. Then it was off to the sauna for a soak. Didn't feel too awful until this morning, when I instinctually reached for the alarm as it annoyingly went off. Ugh! My shoulder flat gave up, it said 'heck no Dan!' It hurt so bad, I balled up in the fetal position in bed,  I wanted to cry like a little girl. No gain without pain, huh. Well if my pain level this morning is any indication, I'm Arnold by the end of the week.


Hollie said...

Wuss! Good luck with your workouts... but I can still beat you up! ;)

Anonymous said...

Bring it on Little Girl.

Anonymous said...

Cause I'm a, "Lean, Mean, Fightin' Machine". Thanks Fuzz, glad to see someone noticed me gut getting smaller. Try the "Tabata" method. Google it. Take care.

Redneck :-)

Todd Phillips said...

Just remember Dan, pain is weakness leaving the body.