Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo essay part deux

 I stayed in Fairbanks the first night at the Westgate. Got in around 1am AK time, so I was beat. Here is the King size that Uncle Sam so graciously arranged for me for the evening. Love that Sammy.

 No, I didn't hit the drive-in theatre on my first day. No, Ford hasn't developed an electric F150 (laughter). Nope. The vehicles in the Great White North are a bit spoiled and have electric blankies for their bed time and the nice businesses make sure that the citizens have a place to plug said blankies in.

All of the deciduous trees (those are the ones with leaves that fall off for you Moonglow) have hoarfrost on them. They are very pretty. This is right around high noon, check out the shadows. the sun never really gets up very high during its 4 hour run right now.

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