Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Squeeky Wheel, Karmic Greasing

Yesterday's blog was a bit whiny, maybe even a bit bitchy. It apparantly worked. Karma smiled. a flurry of activity ensued. First, I called the ops desk to see if I could get my ID card. She said not yet. So I called HR to complain and they said I was good to go. I called ops again and had them call HR. They worked it out. I hopped in the truck and drove to ops to get my card and get set up on my computer. While getting my picture taken, the phone rings. 'Mr. Cain, you're box of stuff has arrived in Fairbanks, we were going to deliver it next week, but is today okay.?' Uh, of course. Blam. Both issues I'd been whining about started improving instantly. After I finished getting my card, I headed to information security and ran into Robert, the guy that helped with my phone the day before (its still broken but at least someone started the process). He got my paperwork started. I needed the signature of the security staff member on Greely. I ran to her office and she was in, I caught her just before lunch. Lucky break. I shot back to info sec and turned in the paper. Robert asked me to restart my computer and call him, it popped up on his network and within an hour or so, I had full computer access. #1- resolved.
The moving van company called me at about 330. I threw on my parka and briskly walked the 1/4 mile back to my room. They had already unloaded the box from the truck. We headed upstairs and in 15 minutes everything was unpacked and they were gone, box and packing material and all. Now I have my blanket, my pillow, more winter clothes, my heavy wool coat, my boots, my xbox 360 nd some good books to read. Yoohoo.  Of course, I woke up with the first snuffy nose I've had since I've been here, I guess I need to wash all that SC pollen out of my stuff asap. Not a bad deal overall.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I'm so glad all of your stuff got there... Finally! Now you can wander around outside with good boots... Thanks to Pete!