Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adventures on hold.

Without a car or the rest of my winter clothes, my days are quickly becoming 'routine' (mmm, you said a bad word). I packed most of my winter stuff in my 'unaccompanied' baggage shipment which was pretty much supposed to be here when or shortly after I arrived. No such luck.
I am now in a holding pattern, circling the runway, stuck up in the air. I am starting to grow restless. I want to hike or snow machine, or hit the sled hill, or anything outdoors to get me out of the same four walls. If I had a car, I'd go exploring in town and check out all the stores, or even drive up to Fairbanks and take in the big city. No such luck yet. Ugh.
There is a bright ray of hope though, I may be headed to Fairbanks on friday for my work physical. If so that should start my boredom clock over again and give me a fresh perspective, at least for a week or so.
If anyone comes across a 2011 Tacoma for about $5K, let me know. It's exactly what I'm looking for.

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