Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo Essay Uno, Dos, Tres

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 Here you can see the effect of the windchill. The thermo on the right  reads a solid zero F. The one on the left -20 with the chill. I walked the four blocks to work this day and waited outside an extra twenty minutes since the door that read MWR was locked. Of course the door on the other end was unlocked, duh.

 This is a view northeast to the Yukon Tanana Uplands around 11am from the top of the sledding hill.

And here is the Alaska Range to the south with Mt. Hayes there in the middle.

And here is a close up shot of Hayes. The alpineglow was much stronger with awesome pinks and oranges and even some yellows. Too bad my photgraphy couldn't catch it in its true glory.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Pics are beautiful!