Thursday, January 27, 2011

My February Out of Doors

The main point of moving to Alaska was to experience the serene beauty that is the Far North. So far, very little of that has happened thus far. now with the arrival of my extra outdoor clothes and especially my cold weather footwear, I can start to partake in some outdoor pursuits.
Looking at the February calendar, I started to get a bit giddy yesterday. Of course, every trip costs money so I have to pick and choose and keep an eye on my budget, but really, I've been spending almost none of my money thus far. For the first 60-90 days Uncle Sam is paying for my lodging and I get a stipend for food which I am staying well under. So I can treat myself a bit.
Here are a few of the trips I'm hoping to get to go on in February.
-Lunchtime cross country skiing (two times)
-Snowmachine trail rides (4 times)
-Sourdough making and baking (num num num- flapjacks) (1 class)
-Predator calling and hunting (One step closer to my coyote fur pillow case) ( 1 class)
-Moonlight cross country under a full moon (1 trip)
-Nightime snowmachine ride to a tent cabin for hot totties and the Aurora Borealis. (1 trip)
-Maclaren Snowmachine Ride- An overnighter in the Denali National Park area. (1 trip)
-Ice fishing Volkmar Lake including snowmaching ride in, it's off the beaten path.

That's twelve events in February, so something almost every other day. I doubt i'll do that many, but just having that kind of access to playing in the wilderness puts a big old smile on my face. Now, who wants to come visit?!

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