Monday, January 24, 2011

The bane of my existence (For Nerdbinski)

I've had several people comment on my blogs about food. I guess I talk about it a lot. Probably because my schedule is dictated by the hours the DFAC is open. Kind of like the Cafeteria in college or at least when I went, oh so many years ago. My friend Scott 'Moonglow' Sherbinski requested that I have more pictures of my meals and the dfac, so this post is for him.

Here is the front entrance to the DFAC. Fancy huh.

And this is the interior entrance. They lock the doors between feedings.
Aw shucks, I wanted a late night snack.

Check out these prices.

This is the griddle. that's my fat salad sitting there, of course the hot beef on the grill is mine as well.
Little Piggy!

Here's the Hot and Brown option for the day.
'Jenny and I were like peas and carrots again.'

Endless salad bar with sneeze guard. Important piece of Personal Protective Equipment.
What a happy little salad bar.

Juice, Milk and sodas on tap. Vitamins C, D and HFCS.

Yes, of course there is coffee. I'm sure its hot and brown as well.

Dessert anyone?

I didn't get a shot of the lazy susan with cake options nor the bagel and toast bar.

The only thing a growing boy needs that never seems to end up on the menu is fruit. Not even a banana at breakfast, so that's what I have in my room for snacking.
Bananas, blueberries, and grapes.

Everyone say 'thanks Scott' for being the inspiration for this post :)

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