Sunday, January 23, 2011

More pictures

Today, after watching the Cheeseheads slowly, methodically beat the Bears for the first half, I decided to take advantage of the low winds and relatively warm temperature, only -5, to take some pictures while the sun was up.
Post lodging. I am on the second floor in room 217. I have a pull out couch if anyone wants to come stay for a day, week or month.

Here is the front door to my humble abode.

Power poles in the parking lot for plugging in cars to ensure they start. Got me thinking about electric four wheelers and motorcycles. If these things are on all the time, I may have to go the electric route. I wonder if they make an electric snowmachine? I just found out, that with a recreation permit, I can pretty much ride anywhere on post recreationally as long as the area is not closed for training, which it sounds like this side of the highway rarely is closed for training. We may have to change the name to Fort Greeny.

The end of Gabriel Auditorium and Building, where my office resides. Notice more electric poles for vehicles to plug in. I read an excerpt today with information for warming a vehicle if no electric is available, to recap, charcoal hibachis, a small camp stove, coals from a campfire, candles, sterno burner. Basically any open flame that is somewhat controlled. Rule #1. don't set fire to the car you are attempting to start, just warm it gently. They recommend covering the hood with a tarp or blanket as well to unfreeze the working parts.

The entrance I generally use. A few of the buildings have these big rock dedications in front of them. I guess relocated erratics (glacial rocks left behind when glaciers recede) make for good landscaping.

El Suburbano. My MWR conveyence to and from Fairbanks and now around post when I am being lazy.

Here's another shot of the Granite Mountains of the Alaska Range in the distance. I never grow tired of looking at them. Cannot wait for warm weather to go hiking in them and maybe even climb them. Anyone care to join me?

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