Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meese sighting

I failed to mention yesterday's Meese (plural of moose:) sighting. On our way to the CAC we picked up Ashley at the Child Development Center. As we were leaving, Connie blurts out ' Oh look, a moose.' Sure enough, about 100' away stood a big brown monster moose with spottled snowy white legs. Then another emerged from the camoflauge of the pines. Then another and a fourth stood behind a mound of snow just out of sight until the suburban moved far enough forward to open up the line of sight. Four moose just browsing among the trees on the edge of post. Ashley pointed out a garden plot in the open field apparantly this plot draws the moose in year round. She quickly called Linda, the other Greely newbie, to let her know meese were milling around her building. Linda didn't have any moose sightings for her first few weeks in Alaska, so now they've become a treasured experience. I had my camera, but since we were late for our appointment, I wasn't able to fire off any shots. I went back a few hours later but the meese had all moved on.

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