Saturday, January 15, 2011

First day on the job

So I awoke nice and early on Friday, the first day on the job. I bundled up in long johns and my new Parka from Ely, Minnesota (I always say that with a UP accent in my head like 'Men eee sew tah'). Then I headed out at o'dark thirty which really doesn't count since we have 4 hours of daylight right now. Right around 0700. I walked the 4 blocks with a frozen moustache and fogged frozen glasses. Rookie!!
I got to MWR HQ and the door that read MWR was locked. Crap. What now, walk back, heck no, I guess I'll mill around for 20 minutes. I thought about looking for coffee but that seemed like too great of a challenge so there on the side of the building I paced. Then I saw someone go into the far end of the building and ran down, lucky not to bust my bottom. Sure enough the door was unlocked on the far end of the building. Dunce cap please.
I headed inside and smack into Ashley. We had taken an Army course together back in April. A familiar face. Cool. She promptly introduced me to the Boss, Connie. Connie arranged for me to get the key to my office and I settled in then went back to talk with her and get my intro brief. The bulk of my job for the next few months will be to plan operations for our newest facility and what will likely become the hub of activity for Fort Greely. A 31000 sq ft facility with an 8 lane bowling alley, restaurant, snack bar (hotdog heaven anyone), mini library/media center, warrior zone, dance/fitness studio, internet cafe, sports bar, conference room, classroom, ballroom, and whatever other stuff we can fit into the space without having to get too far outside of the original construct idea. When I type that list, I swallow hard, nervous in the service for sure. We'll make it happen.
First thing on my list was computer access, being the gubment, that is no easy task. Letters of permission from Obama himself probably couldn't speed the process up. So as usual, no luck on my new access card, no luck on computer access. What is a boy to do?! Clean up his dusty office. So while listening to my Iphone I dusted to my little heart's content. and sorted. and straightened. The only thing I am missing is a printer, looks like someone ganked it, the cords are here but no printer. Go figure. Doesn't matter, I can't get on my computer anyway yet. My first day saw Ice Cream and Cake as well. MWR HQ celebrates monthly birthdays so we gathered for a soiree in the conference room. Ah, where to put the ice cream afterward to avoid melting, outside :) just kidding, into the freezer it went.
Somewhere in here I realized I needed a card to get into the Commisary to buy groceries. So I ran to the Post HQ and got a temporary letter there, their card machine has been down for some time.
Back at the office I started looking at blueprints of the new building, when Richard asked me to drive his vehicle for him, he was meeting a family friend at the gate who needed to get on post. So I drove him down and headed back in his SUV. I noticed cop cherries flashing way behind me, but didn't think much of them, so kept going. They got closer so i decided to pull over and let them pass. Nope. he pulled up right behind me. Crud. What did I do?! He got out and came up. License, registration, insurance. Here's my license but its not my truck, no idea on registration and insurance. he ran my license and came back, I drug a 6inch pile of papers out of the glovebox and started looking through them. and looking and looking. I guess he finally got cold, because he gave me my license and said next time make sure I know where the paperwork is and let me go. What had I done? I turned the headlights off at the gate and didn't turn them back on because it was still sunny by Alaskan Winter Standards. You are a no-go at this station. I'd heard the DA police were bored but this was ridiculous. Lesson learned.
I hung around work and checked email on an 'open connection' computer until I knew the Dining Facility would be open then headed out. the DFAC was cafeteria style and ultra cheap, $4 for dinner with salad, drinks, dessert, coffee. I stopped by the Sidelines bar and only MWR staff were there with basketball on. I had a $5 patron, yep patron margarita then headed home to call my lovely wife. She of course gave me grief because I woke her at 1130 on a Friday night, getting old I'd say. Love you dear. Then I crawled into bed. Not bad for a first day.
To recap, frosty moustache and glasses, intro brief, office, no computer, commisary letter, cake and ice cream, cops, $4 dinner, $5 patron and a lovely wife. No complaints so far.
Oh, I almost forgot, thanks to Richard for the grand tour. I saw all of the facilities under CRD, gym, wood shop, pool, auto crafts, outdoor rec, skeet range, and sled hill. One of everything a growing boy needs. it was a busy day of sorts.

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