Saturday, January 22, 2011

the fun office

At all hours of the day; howls, hoots and laughter can be heard eminating from the fun office. I've also heard music and singing and witnessed dancing. Ah, the joys of MWR.

This is Jess, of the fun office. I think her official title is Official Fun Assistant to the Stars. I'll have to check her position description, we may be overpaying her if we deduct the cost of the fun from her check.

(l. to r.) Ashley (financier), Letty (financier assistor and office comptroller), Brooke (Outdoor Sensei- no, that's not her real hair), and Jess (you met her already.)

I said 'picture' and within about 3 seconds everyone was ready with a costume of some sort. Fun office indeed.

While not officially residing in the 'Fun Office' Richard nonetheless loves the camera. Strike a pose. Sorry about those Seahawks, he switched to a throwback Bears chapeau on Friday in preparation for the upcoming weekend. Bandwagons always have room for one more :) 

He says his kung Fu is most excellent.

Connie, the boss lady from Belgium, refused to be photographed, something about an outstanding INTERPOL warrant from a weekend in Amsterdam. These are her souvenir mittens instead. Rumor has it she is rooting for the Cheeseheads this weekend. What's that number to INTERPOL again?! Connie is not originally from Belgium, that was just her last duty station before Araska. (Umm, I said duty.) Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

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