Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Blues

As a non-homeowner and current single room resident in a new and strange place, my days without work and previous plans are kinda dull. Today has been testament to that fact. I awoke later than normal and watched a little television. Then around 930 I headed to the gym to do 6 miles on the eliptical. I've shed 10 pounds in 2 weeks, weighed roughly the same time every morning before eating for accuracy. So the process is working albeit slow but this morning the hour workout was a bit more monotonous than usual, nothing good on the cardio television. Ick. I was going to swim but Saturdays find the pool full of children splashing, yelling, and laughing loudly and only 1 lane for lap swimming. It had 3 people in it already and I wasn't in the mood for dealing with the crowd. Instead I lifted a bit and then hit the sauna and soaked the old bones. I headed to the DFAC for lunch, lots of fresh vegs like cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, celery, and cucumber but the main plate today left a lot to be desired. Mainly meat and oh flavor. I am trying to ensure I get enough protein with my new workout schedule so my body doesn't eat my muscles but I have to be careful because of the stupid gout which hate too much of certain proteins being in my diet. I found a solution, egg white protein powder, gout friendly, but I'm still waiting for it to show up. It'll be a great addition to my diet. After lunch I headed to the computer at work to look up some info but what now. I'm tired of being at the computer. I told Hollie I wouldn't go for hikes alone. I'm kind of workout worked out for the day. Don't want to watch a movie. Not hungry. I think I found a winner......Naptime. Catch you later.

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