Friday, April 22, 2011

paleo and constipation- warning- bodily function blog below

I made a valiant effort to cut my carbs to zero or darn close on Tuesday and Wednesday. Meat, meat and more meat. Well Thursday I paid the price. My tummy was bothering me all day. It just looked distended. At lunch, in an effort to help clear my system out I ate a gigantic salad with a prepared salad of cauliflower and broccolli on the side. It had some kind of mayonnaise mix holding it together with raisins and grapes. Not bad tasting but I think my digestion was on full lockdown so it came to a scrreching halt when it hit that obstacle. Definitely roadblock instead of speed bump. I weighed myself at the gym last night and had put on like 6 pounds in a day. A lot of it was water weight I'm sure from the prosciutto I had at lunch on Wednesday, too much salt. I was retaining water but a lot of it was my stalled salad. I felt horrible. What to do?! Well dinner was out of the question, you don't shove more TP down a clogged toilet, right?! No. You grab the draino and let it do it's work. So i decided after reading up on natural laxative options that I'd more or less fast for a full day until they did their jobs. Dinner last night was 3 avocoados, good fats to help grease the wheels so to speak and lots of water. The Avos went down easily doused in Crystal hot sauce. Not that there is another  hot sauce. Anyway, off subject. So after my 3 avo meal, I waited and waited and waited. Drank water, and more water. For breakfast I downed an apple, I read that the fiber and pectin help get things on track as well. I waited and waited some more. Slowly but surely things started to move, then finally the big one came today in the middle of the day. When we headed to the gym, I weighed myself. Back down to 252 1/2. I still feel a little bloated but after another dinner of avos tonight, I think I'll be in the clear. If nayone has other suggestions except coffee, tea, cigarettes, straight olive oil or an enima let me know. 

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