Monday, April 11, 2011

Photos of Black Rapids Lodge and their backyard!!

Beautiful Alaskan Sunset

The Lake

Waterfall hike anyone?

Their post and beam dining room. The whole place is done in such gorgeous Alaskan wood detail.

The glacier is up the valley.

One of their rooms with a gorgeous view.

Michael, the owner along with his wife, out enjoying his backyard, literally.

The definition of wilderness, untrammeled by man. Go 100 feet off the road and anything is possible.

Teleturns in fresh powder snow. Could any skier ask for much more?

Green and rocky.

No lift here. Feet don't fail me now.

Another summit visit.

Rowdy the dog. He needs a barrel of schnapps on his collar!!

Another beautiful waterfall that's just asking for me to visit it.

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