Friday, April 1, 2011

F*** Computers

Monday I have a huge meeting with our Regional Director. I have a bunch of charts, graphs, layouts, etc. Today I got into work and my computer along with 29 others has been "quarantined" because of missing patches on the anti-virus software. They couldn't clear them. They have to do recoveries, clear and reboot and rebuild everything. It could take a week. So I went to another computer to start rebuilding all the stuff I need for Monday. My card failed. i had it checked out. It's trashed. i can't login to any server computers on post. I only have access to this crappy, non office installed computer used for folks to apply for jobs. I can't get a new card guessed it... Monday. Lot of help that is in the great scheme of things. So today was a lot of sitting around and talking. I also got to the gym and did deadlifts. I got up 355 lbs without blowing my vertebrae out. Not too bad, but my goal is 455 lbs by end of Summer. I also was so bored I unloaded a pallet of office supplies in the back room that showed up late. Now that's bored. I'm off to the gym to swim. I hope to get out this weekend for some more picture taking or I might go to Fairbanks, have to see how I feel tomorrow. Expect pictures of something come monday either way.

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