Friday, April 15, 2011

Preparations for the summer season

If you've been following this thing, then you know I have decided being a chubby chicken fried, shrimp and grit eating guy isn't going to cut it in Alaska. Getting up mountains carrying an extra 40, 50 or 60 pounds will flat out kill your knees. Especially coming back down. Plus it wastes energy. In my effort to lose the excess baggage I have recruited a friend, Richard. Richard is a co-worker. Much skinnier and a bit fittier than I am, he played basketball most of the winter. I do have sheer size on my side, genetics I guess. 1 part stocky, one part tall and wide but lean. I am a mix, Tall, wide and stocky. Oh fun. Our lunch workouts consist of lifting but lots of reps at lighter wieghts and in quick succession to build endurance as well as strength. Every so often we go heavier like in the pic above. I am deadlifting 315lbs. Not quite my personal record but still some weight. The mean face makes me look like the eagle from the Muppet Show. The other part of my workouts is at night. I am training not only for the summer fun but also for a sprint triathlon in June. So I sometimes do 6 miles on the eliptical slow or I do a test run of 3.1 miles as fast as possible. My time last night which is my PR is 26:50. I also swim half miles. The distance in the race is only 500 meters instead of 800 (half mile) but the extra distance means I'm burning a few more calories which will help me shed the fat a little faster, or so my theory goes. When I weighed the morning of the 22nd of March the scale read 272. When I weighed this morning it was 253. So that is 19 pounds in just under 4 weeks. I may actually hit the full 20 by Tuesday. I expect the weight loss to slow a bit as my bodyfat drops but I hope to be around 230 by the triathlon a full eight weeks away.

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