Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter, Easter Bunny, Bock Bock!

Easter Bunny or Serial Killer, you decide!

My newest hunting mount. Biggest bunny I ever saw and he had a basket full of eggs and candy with him too. double bonus. Hossenfeffer anyone?!

My pre-church Easter attempt, Climb Donnelly Dome, met with certain failure. Never believe anyone named Mark or Brooke. "Oh yeah, it's like an hour hike to the top." Poppycock!! It's 2400 feet of elevation gain over a couple miles. So it's a 4 hour day in the summer without 4 feet of snow drifted along the trail. We decided to bushwack for an hour or so instead. Ugh! Alder scrub, postholing through crusty snowdrifts, cold wind and super soft tundra all around. Glad I didn't twist an ankle. We made it maybe 1/3 of the way up the front face before turning around.


Granites to the East. Pure wilderness. I wanted to get up before sunrise for Easter but seeing as sunrise is 0430 right now, uh, didn't happen.

You can see the car in the distance. Well, okay, I can see the car in the distance, but then I know which green speck of color it is. Where's Waldo?

Joel. My bushwhacker partner, he hates postholing through crusty snow almost as much as I do. Almost.
Yes that is a handgun on Joel's right side. Most folks up here carry guns year round, especially this time of year when the brownies are coming out of hibernation and hungry!! Not me though, I just figured I had to outrun Joel.
At one point I found myself up past my waist in a hole through the snow crust and when I tried to crawl out, the crust just kept breaking underneath me. I slithered across the ice on my belly for 5 feet uphill to get to something more solid.

Shameless self-portrait.

All in all, it was a fun morning. We climbed for about 2 hours total up and down. Huffing and puffing. Didn't break anything. Sweated a lot but lived to tell the tale. Notice Gamecock hat. Clemson sucks.
Afterwards, I shot home, showered, came back to post, went to Easter service and had a healthy ham luncheon. I ate too many carbs though, not a lot of protein choices. Lots and lots of noodle dishes. I am bloated to say the least. Like Thanksgiving day while watching the first football game of the afternoon. Damn you carbs. Damn you.

Happy Easter everyone.

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