Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday through Friday routine

Like most working stiffs, I have fallen into a usual workday routine. Goes something like this.
Wake up.
Cuss at sun for waking me once again. Just let me sleep a bit longer.
crawl out of bed.
Put on sweat pants. Mandatory now that I share a house with a 12 y.o. girl. Walking around in tightie whites or birthday suit is severaly frowned upon.
Grab tooth brush and paste.
Head into bathroom.
Brush jibs and floss (sometimes, the flossing not the brushing, my wife might disagree though given my past)
Admire well sculpted 1 pack in the mirror while making silly faces.
Turn on the shower.
Remove sweats.
Check water temp.
Step in shower.
Lather up.
cuss up storm when leaky toilet upstairs robs the cold water and I get scalded. I have developed a 6th sense about when this might happen. I tried timing it but probably due to the earths rotation and the position of the moon relative to venus it is random. using intuition I've been right once out of 138 showers, which is really pretty good if you think about it.
Shut off shower.
Grab towel.
Smell it to check freshness.
Towel off regardless of funkiness, fresh towels in laundry room. (yes, i'm brilliant)
Admire scalding redness in the mirror on 1 pack abs.
More funny faces.
Sweats go back on.
Scurry into room.
Locate workout clothes, checking for relative funkiness. (using twice saves laundry soap- heal the planet)
Pack gym bag depending on day with clothes, swimsuit or both. Usually both just in case.
Dig out work clothes. Grab keys, money, cards, phone, water bottle.
Fill waterbottle in kitchen.
head out to car.
Cuss for forgetting something on above list (keys, phone, water bottle, underwear)
Head back in house.
Grab offending item.
Back to car.
Start car.
Drive to work.
Fiddle with radio.
Drive off road while fiddling with radio.
Get to gate.
dig for i.d. card. (it is a missile base for Uncle Sam after all)
smile and say "good morning"
Drive to Dining Facility.
Get eggs, bacon, ham and sausage.
Find hot sauce.
douse eggs, bacon, ham and sausage.
Find table.
Devour paleo plate while thinking of hardening arteries and what first heart attack might be like.
Return tray and dirty crockery (good word huh) to washing conveyor.
Head to truck.
Off to office.
Check emails.
Look at to do list.
Do some of to do list tasks
Check emails
update to do list.
1130 rolls around.
Find richard to pester about going to gym.
head to gym.
Grab to go lunch from DFAC in styrofoam container.
Check PO Box.
Head back to work to eat styrofoam of mystery meat and salad items.
Whine about lack of degradability of styrofoam and curse Uncle Sam and market economics.
Wander halls looking for people to talk to.
Check emails.
update to do list.
do more tasks on list.
check emails.
more tasks.
head to the gym for second go around.
eliptical, swim, lift, whatever.
Sit in sauna.
head home.
Watch prime time tv.
go to bed at 9pm unless in middle of good movie or a great Food network show is on.

Repeat Monday through Friday.
Sound Familiar to anyone? maybe minus the gym visits.

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