Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pictures of April

I ran around sunday taking shots of stuff on Greely after swimming. Here they are.
Snowmachine season is quickly fading away. It doesn't look like it but much of the old snow has melted and while we got an inch on Wednesday, most of that is gone today. A couple more days in the 40s and we will be into the muddy spring. Hoorah.

Spring is in the air because they have pulled out the Valdez Fishing boat for the summer to prep it for Fishing trips starting in late May. Twin 200s push this baby around and help find the halibut.

Sorry snowmachines. A quick summerization and you'll be done until November or December.

Same to you ice augers. Time for you to go into storage.

Here's a happy little fella. Look at the big smile on his face. That's because he knows he'll be on the trails soon and covered in good old Alaska muck and gunk!!

Same with the Blue Brothers. Jake on the left and Elwood on the right. They hate Illinois Nazis.

The edge of the granites. South of post.

Here's a close up of those craggy ridgelines. A hike up there will reveal all sorts of crazy wildlife seen very few other places this summer, dall sheep and mountain goats.

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