Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I now know how to get to Sesame Street.

The USO brought Sesame Street to Fort Greely, middle of nowhere, Alaska. They did an excellent job. I got to be part of the show. The opening is a commerical for the USO and sending messages to soldiers via the USO. They played it on a big flatscreen in front of the stage. When the video was over, I got to roll the TV out of the way. I didn't say I got a big part in the show. After rolling the TV away, I worked as security keep the crumbsnatchers in line. I only had a few secret service style diving tackles to keep Elmo and Cookie Monster safe. Some of the kids were fit to be tied. One kid kep slapping his mom's hand in an effort to get her to let go. At one point she had a hold of his thigh and I could see her squeezing it hard everytime he leaned forward to start for the stage area. The actors actually go out into the crowd to hug kids but the costumes are like 7 feet tall so some kids head for the hills but most just scream like teen girls at a Bieber concert. Cracks me up. All in all, it was something special for the kids in the community and they'll remember it for, well, at least a few days.
The actors don't pose for pics with the kids, this is a photo backdrop. They said they tried photo op stuff in the past and it just takes waaaaay to long, even at small events like ours.

Here's the stage. The whole show was lip synched of course to a set music and voice score. They must have practiced it a lot because their timing was awful good. Especially the mouth movements.

Yep. I know how to get to Sesame Street.

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