Monday, April 4, 2011

Manic Monday

Saturday Mike Matese sent me an email to stop whining and go fishing. I had to remind him that the rivers and lakes are still mostly frozen. I did however get out and get some more pictures which are sitting on my camera waiting for my computer to be repaired. So no new photos today. Sorry boys and girls.
I woke up early today, grabbed a morning omelet and then headed to the Welcome Center to get a new id card. All went well. Not sure why but Monday was treating me better than normal. I headed into work and found my computer missing, not just broken, but missing. They snagged it to fix it. When will it be back? Who knows? We did find all of my files on the back up server so as soon as my computer is back I'll be golden.
I met with Brooke from Hawaii, our region headquarters, today. She seems very knowledgable and overall pretty friendly and outgoing. Good traits for a work colleague for sure. We met with the Boss lady, met with the commander, met with the Construction Supervisor and then met to discuss her visit. She will be here through Wednesday. Two days of work, work, work and more work. She had to complete scorecard checklists of a couple of our facilities and this filled much of our afternoon. Basically its a check to see if we are following internal cash control and key control and inventory control procedures. We did okay, not stellar but I think we passed by the skin of our teeth.
Tomorrow promises to be more of the same. This project is a bit trying sometimes. Ultimately I will be running and marketing this facility, but everyone has an opinion on even the tiniest details from colors, to window treatments, menu, hour, staff, whatever and most everyone involved of course is further up the food chain or so their titles suggest. Sometimes frustrating. How's that old adage go? "Too many cooks spoil a broth!" Right now, I definitely have too many cooks, like 5 or 6 too many. No lie. Ugh!
I started my paleo diet today, no to low carbs. After seeing Hollie's results over the last few months and reading some other testimonials online, I figured I'd give it a try. My protein powder came in also. Now I need to find some fixings to help with the taste. It tastes like, well, egg whites. I should have got a flavored one but didn't want the flavoring junk in it if half a banana will make it palatable.
At lunch Richard and I did sprints intermixed with burpees. We also did about 25 minutes of body sculpting shoulders. We are mixing upper and lower body workouts now to up the total intensity level and work body parts more often. Still struggling but getting a little easier. Tonight I'll spend an hour on the eliptical watching tv, probably about 6 miles. It's easier on my knees for a few more months until I can shed some more walking around weight.  I did a mile nonstop swim on Sunday mixing breast stroke and crawl in 35 minutes. Not bad. The long aerobic workouts mixed with the intense cardio workouts are paying off, I'm feeling less oxygen depletion in my muscles under strain and less of a need to breathe as hard under medium stress. Intense stuff still kicks my butt, like sprints but that will come with time. I have 2 months until Summer is in full swing and I want to be ready for any adventure that comes my way.

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