Friday, April 22, 2011

Hippity Hop Hop

I've been wrangled into being the Easter Bunny tomorrow. Yep, that's right, stupid costume and all. Originally, I was going to just take pictures of the crumb snatchers chasing after plastic eggs for candy and crappy chinese made lead filled highly toxic plastic toys. However the GC, who was the furry bastard last year, has skated out this year by taking leave in conjunction with a conference in Texas. S.O.B. That's in reference to the situation, not the boss. There's a pretty cool looking head except it smashes the wearer's nose. After an hour, jut refer to me as pancake nose. There's a suit. I hope it fits. Gloves and shoe covers. I'd be okay with it if it was 10 minutes, you're in, you poop some eggs, you're out. Lickity split. But No!! They want me to sit there with the kids for pictures. I just know one of these little booger eaters is going to piss all over me. I can feel it deep down inside. Now, in general I love children, in one or two on one settings where I get to make the rules. "No peeing on Dan" is top of that list. But in large groups where you have to act a certain way and can't dip if you don't like the way things are progressing, UGH!!!
On a brighter note, if it's not too windy in the early morning, I plan on hiking to the top of Donnelly dome. It's melted enough around here that most of the trails have almost snow on them at the lower elevations. It's supposed to have a spectacular view from the top, so the camera will be in tow. Then I'll take it to the kidorama and get some bunny pics for all the pic fans out there, both of you should be happy! The hike is something like 1500' of elevation gain in a mile and a half.  Most folks can scurry up in under an hour. I haven't really got out and stretched the legs much outside the gym, so it'll be a treat. I've been contemplating a sunrise hike on Sunday in celebration of Easter also. Church isn't until 1100, so there is plenty of time to get up and down, grab some breakfast, then make it to service and special ham lunch afterwards. Good stuff for sure.

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