Monday, November 7, 2011

Wiley Coyotes

In Pinnacles, it was all rabbits and quail. So far at Irwin, quail and coyotes. I have seen two coyotes in about as different levels of health and well being as they could get. The first one was healthy as a house pet. He came strolling out of the horse pen following a bunch of quail which are as fat as little crumb snatchers. He saw me but was pretty much unphased. I watched him for maybe ten minutes stalk a couple little groups. The second coyote I saw today. He was bone skinny, mangy and his right leg was hurting him something fierce. He also had some tag alongs giving his ears grief. He was shaking them every couple of seconds to try to rid himself of the nasty little parasites. I hate buggers. He walked gingerly by the post office, then the fire station, then past the px and burger king and finally caught something to nibble on near some rocks. I don't know if it was a mouse or someones half eaten burger tossed out the window. he looked rough and it made me sad for him, but he soldiered on, slowly making his way closer to where ever he was headed. 
You can see him eyeing a covey on this little berm.

Look at how shaggy and bright he looks, almost like someone gave him a bath and sent him out into the world. 

Quite a stark contrast. This poor fella looks like he's had his ass whooped something fierce. You can see his ribs, and his back end is hunched in and hurting. I don't know if it's age, disease, or just a plain whooping that got him here, but I felt for the poor guy. 

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