Sunday, November 20, 2011

GoPro or go home

Outdoor Recreation has a pair of GoPro cameras and a video camera. For those not aware, a gopro is a tiny digital camera that records on little camera cards. They can do single photos, constant photos every couple seconds, and even video. We didn't have the manual. So I did the best I could. I set one up on a twisty tripod and mounted it on a cart. I hit the button I thought was video, turned out it was a shot every 2 seconds. So I ended up with about 3000 photos of different riders in this kart. The pics were pretty good, these are the best stand alone of the group in my opinion. I drug the whole camera kit home and read through the whole manual while charging the little buggers. Now I am ready to record all of my future adventures. They come with waterproof cases and helmet connectors and the whole deal. I can't wait to get one on a surfboard or on a speargun. JelliedMooseNose is going motion picture. WooooF'ingHooooo!!
Unfortunately, no one crashed this day while the camera was there.

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