Saturday, November 12, 2011

Victorville on Veteran's Day

Sashimi. If you've kept up with my posts, you know that I like sushi and in particular, sashimi. It has been a few months since I had good sashimi, so i decided to spend my holiday by taking in a movie, the Immortals, which was mediocre at best, followed up by a little shopping, laundry, and then Sashimi here I come. I searched the internet for the best sushi in the Inland Empire and one name came up again and again, Samurai Sushi. The name alone scared me, but I figured I'd give it a day in court. I am glad I did. I ordered a sashimi plate, seaweed salad and some hot saki. As I sat checking out the interior of this mini-mall wonder, I noticed everyone had huge bowls and plates elaborately decorated with food art. I knew I was in for a treat. I was not disappointed. First was the salad and miso. Fine by any normal standards. Then the chef himself handed over a giant bowl, the seaweed salad. The bowl was probably half gallon size. It was huge. It was seaweed salad and fish eggs over a whole ginger salad. Then he handed over an 18" plate of giant super fresh cuts of sashimi. All of it was absolutely delicious. The white tuna had been marinated in an onion and vinegar base. The red tuna was clean and moist. The salmon was beautifully marbled. All of it was amazing. After dinner was done, out came a free apple dessert, with peanut butter, chocolate, whipped cream and nuts. A special treat. I think I've found my sashimi jones fixer for sure. 

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