Sunday, November 20, 2011

I kicked today's ass

This morning I woke up early with a vengeance. I wanted to finish a multitude of tasks and feel as though the day was productive. I did so and then some. I woke up. Hit Starbucks got a coffee. Hit the ATM got cash for the day's fun. Grabbed breakfast. Did all of my laundry. Read most of a new book written by Mickey Munoz about his life as a surfer and waterman. Changed the oil in my 4runner. Lifted at the gym. Swam 500m. Sat in the hottubs at the pool for about 30 minutes and let the jets work the muscles in my back. Grabbed lunch at the chinese to go place. Checked out the dfac at the hospital to see the hours and know where it is. It's supposed to have a killer breakfast. Read the manual for the GoPro cameras from outdoor recreation so that I am ready to start filming my adventures. Downloaded pictures for my blog and for work. Then took a nap. Now I am up, checking out football scores then headed out to get some grub before ironing my work shirts for the week. Pro.......duct.....ive.
Yes, sir.

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