Monday, November 7, 2011

Rugby in Ridgecrest

I played my first match as a Dead Rabbit Rugger on Saturday in Ridgecrest, California. It was a blast. We had almost 30 guys show up. Half were from the U19  team including some solid high school kids. We played Indian Valley first, then the U19 team played the second half, then we played the third 40 minute period after loaning Indian Wells some bodies. The weather was perfect and even though we were in the middle of the Mojave the grass was no worse than a lot of fields on the east coast. The mountains in the distance had a recent snowfall and were spectacular. I had a few great runs, a couple decent  had set a great ruck, the guy that tackled me reached over and grabbed the ball in an effort to illegally steal it for his side, and I watched as my cleat struck him directly in the sternum and told him in not so polite terms to keep his sodding hands off the ball. The look on his face was priceless, a mix of hurt, anger and wild eyed confusion. I told him not to do it again or he's get more of the same. Uh, he didn't touch the ball on the ground again.
A Flanker. They call them "break" forwards. This kid fits the bill attitude wise. He ran sideways too much for my taste. 

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