Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sushi Revolution

I decided to stop in Lakewood/Tacoma to see my friends J and C. I tried to call his number but never heard back from him. I figured they were probably out of town. I was right. I stopped by their place and it was locked up, I called Mark and he gave me their other number so I rang them up. They're in Chicago visiting their families. They had a new baby just 10 weeks ago. Sad I missed them. Last year when I was out here for vacay we all went to sushi revolution. I decided to hit it up again. Everything was great except one thing, some weird cold seafood ball. I only downed 14 plates. Last year I think I probably had 20 or so. The place is fun. The food comes by on a conveyor belt on colored plates. The colors represent the cost of the dish. Plates run from $1-$4.

You can see the icky seafood ball on the tan plate. Ick :(

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