Sunday, October 23, 2011

Crappy bandwidth

So I am sitting in Super 8 in Dawson Creek, BC. I have tons of pictures but the bandwidth is so slow, I can't load them yet. Text will have to do for now.
Friday Fort Greely to Haines Junction AK
Saturday Haines Junction to Liard Hotsprings
Sunday Liard to Dawson Creek
No bad weather so far. Roads pretty clear, even through the mountains.
Lots of animals. Bison, Elk, Moose, Goats, Caribou, Mountain Caribou. No sheep yet.
Some stretches of an hour or more without any other cars on the road.
Listening to music, watching scenery pass by my window.
Should be in Seattle area in a couple days.
Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me.

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