Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chill weekend in Fairbanks

Well its official. I'm moving to California by the end of the month. So I decided to get out of town and visit the rugby guys in Fairbanks. Unfortunately, most everyone was out of town for one reason or another. It ended up the Schu and I hung out on every night having a couple beers and talking rugby, football, marriage and life. 
4Runner in the back of the house near winter plug-in.
I got another ticket, my 5th in Alaska in 10 months. Luckily, just an onpost ticket so it doesn't get any points. I was talking on the phone with the Business Chief from the Region. $75 mistake. Ugh.

In Fairbanks, I knew that I wanted to see the Museum of the North before heading south so I checked it out on Friday. It was kind of small but the artifacts were pretty astonishing. 
Giant piece of jade. 

Giant nugget of copper. 

Mastadon skull.
Mmmmm. lunch says the polar bear.
Ungulate skulls a few thousand years old. 
skin boats, big and small.
Whale skulls. 
Fish traps. Fish swim in and can't get out. No pleasure fishing up here, its all business. 
Skin clothing. I have an affinity for Mukluks, so you'll see a few of them in these shots. 

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