Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Southern British Columbia

As I headed south I went back in time. Alaska is already cold, like single digits, and snowy. As I went south, the Fall started going backwards. Some trees even still had green leaves. It was pretty cool. As I crossed the border, the sun came out completely and it warmed up to high 50s. It was a gorgeous day. Probably almost as warm as the whole summer was in Alaska. Crazy. I can only imagine what it will seem like as I hit Southern Cali with the 80 degree days. It'll be like the Summer I never had. My sense of yearly cycle will probably be all kinds of screwy for awhile.

Canadian Legion Hall

I followed Highway 1 after getting off 97 from Fort Nelson down.

Looks a lot like Montana to me. Guess that makes sense since the border is a couple hundred miles southeast. 

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