Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chill weekend in Fairbanks 2

This is a Rhinoceros dinosaur skull. Olde Grey Rhinos are everywhere.

Native arts.

Native baskets for hauling stuff around.

Ivory carvings.

Cribbage boards. Ryan and I played a lot of cribbage through college. The points were ounces of beer. Many a night I owed him a 12 pack or more. It was always good though, he shared his winnings.
The natives up here probably played for whale fat or seal eyes. 

Men's tools. axes, adzes, scrapers, awls, knives.

net repair tools and knives.

the walrus on the right kind of reminds me of my uncle steve. 

This is really cool. It was an actual elephant skin found perfectly preserved in a glacier. 


Gold coins. 

Dogsled. I thought they'd have a lot more on this part of the culture but it was pretty limited. 


Russians had a lot of influence in certain parts of the state. They still do where i live. I hear families still speaking russian almost everyday here in Delta.

Coastal culture. Very similar from here all the way down to the Washington coast. I love their artwork.

the ubiquitous salmon. shhhh. don't tell anyone but I like Halibut better.

Indian woven russian design. The double headed eagle.

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