Friday, March 11, 2011


After a 20 hour overnight grueling journey of car, plane, plane, plane, car, I finally arrived back in SC to see Hollie for a few days. Of course, some out of the ordinary incidents made me keep pinching myself to see if I was awake.
The first happened on the highway between Delta Junction and Fairbanks. Its a two lane highway with lots of roads off to the side that T. Just past the halfway point, I saw a truck pulling up to one and didn't pay much attention to it until I saw it skid across the highway behind me in the rearview. It nailed the 4' plowline of snow on the opposite blank, exploded through it and kept going, spinning wildly throwing up a giant cloud of powder dry snow mixed with huge styrofoam chunks of surface crust. It was an amazing sight to behold. The driver with a death grip on the wheel as the truck came to an abrupt leaning stop at the edge of the woods.
The second strange event was a soldier getting sick as we were on the runway in Anchorage ready to take off. We headed back to the jetway, paramedics and cops got on and after about 15 minutes they all got off with him in tow.
Then in the middle of the flight, over the intercom, I hear, emergency by the cockpit, bring the oxygen and the AED. I sat shot straight up my seat. Great an emergency landing in Western Canada will definitely throw me off my scheduled connections. Way to personalize a person's troubles there Dan you heartless bastard!!! Anyway, it ended up being a bout of gas and a panic attack by a 40-something. Nothing a pepto or zantac couldn't cure. I say staying away from airport and airplane food is a good rule to have in the first place, have you ever wondered how many people use those bathrooms on a daily basis. Constipation is a gift.

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