Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Frankencamera rises from the dead.

I found the charger for the camera. Woohoo. Now I can get back to shooting some real shots. Here is what I rescued from the Canon as promised.

Four Meese just chilling along Clearwater Rd. in Delta Junction. They were nibbling on the dry grass as they walked along the field. They let me approach to within 50 feet and shoot all the pictures I wanted. They did hustle around a bit bu didn't get too riled up.

East of Delta Junction they started the Barley project back in the 70s. This part of the town is all agricultural. Bison, elk, hogs, and lots of grains. The proof is this row of combines. Look at them all just waiting for next year's season.

Headed to Charleston on Monday. It was 75 and sunny. Had a great day of walking around, shopping, eating oysters and fish tacos. It was a gorgeous day to walk and Charleston is such a cosmopolitan city. Of course, the College of Charleston students were out enjoying the rays of Spring. Normally it's too hot to lay out, but this day was near perfect. I think some folks forget they are downtown in an urban area. The young lady above must have been trying to get sun on her buns because she initially has her suit hiked all up in her crack. Hollie and I were laughing our asses off as she stood up, stretched like a cat then proceeded to dig her suit out of her butt. Classic.

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