Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feeling good getting fit

Don't laugh too loud folks from SC or the midwest but the weather has been beautiful in interior alaska for the last few days. 35 and sunny, no wind. I know I know. How can this be? How can a fella that spent the last decade in SC think 35 is very nice. It's all relative fortunately. The sun shines like crazy here. So even at 35 if there is no wind the dry dry air makes it feel much warmer. Spring like if you will. The snow and ice have started to slowly melt into clear puddles. The dozer went through the parking lot and scraped much of the snow remaining, up into a huge pile near the drains between the buildings. I think they wanted to be sure it didn't flood the wrong areas. The only bad part of the warm streak is the when it cools off below freezing an icy crust forms on the top of the snow making it slick as goose poop. I went down again last night in the driveway with the resulting resonant thud echoing through my body for some time. It hurt so friggin much. But no harm no foul. the snow should be gone in 2 weeks for good well until November or December anyways.
When I was in SC for my visit, I filled some time by hitting the gym. I'd spend half an hour on the elliptical then throw around some iron. I have apparantly awoken something inside me that I have avoided for some time. The fitness monster, oh no. But now with the mountains begging to be climbed, the glaciers whispering of adventure and a wife that is nearing sick fitness levels, I felt it was uber important to at least be able to follow her if even from afar on treks this summer. So, the eliptical has felt my pain the past few days. Nothing extraordinary. Richard and I started lifting at lunch as well. and I think i'm going to play a little volleyball at night and make the drive up to Fairbanks a few times this summer to play that old favorite, rugby. I can already feel my body responding to the work and I like it. I feel 35 again :) I've found the fountain of middle age. Maybe I'll finally be able to take to the streets to pound the pavement trying to get that runner's high I keep hearing about.

They say once you make something public you'll work harder to fulfill it since others are watching.

I am going to participate in the Delta Greely Triathlon on 11 June. 500 yard pool swim, 8 mile bike ride, 5K run. So there it is. My goal is to finish in under 48 minutes! Means I need to do some serious work between now and then even when I am in DC for training for 4 weeks. Knees don't fail me now!!

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