Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My week in SC

Hollie and I spent a great deal of time getting reaquainted over the course of the week. We went out to eat. Went to Charleston. Caught a movie, 'Hall Pass". Had ice cream. She kept blaming me for her breaking her paleo diet but it was clearly her fault, I think she just wanted to use me as an excuse.  We even just sat around and talked a lot like old time. We enjoyed each other's company again.
I also ran errands and made sure to see as many friends as I could squeeze in. That's one of the hard parts of any short visit, just not enough time to do all you want. To all the people i didn't get to see or only saw briefly, I apologize, you are top of the list for the next trip up.
Saturday morning, I dropped Hollie off at Hammond for her trip to Belize as a chaperone for the school she works at, lucky dog. A week of snorkeling, horseback riding, and mayan ruin exploring in a untrammeled tropical destination. Probecito (spanish for poor little thing). After dropping her off I went back to bed then arose in time to catch England vs Ireland Rugby with some of the fellas at the British Bullfrog eh Bulldog Pub. Ireland handed England a pretty solid drubbing. The action was non stop with some solid champagne rugby in there. ireland just didn't make too many mistakes and England kept turning the ball over. Afterwards, I shot down to the Five points St. Pats Celebration. It was about 85 degrees and partly sunn so it was hot and the extra 40,000 bodies didn't help cool it down at all. I headed to CJs to see if the fellas were there and didn't see anyone other than Ronnie who was hanging with his wife. I knew the Rugby girls were selling beer, so I looked for them for awhile unsuccessfully. Too many beer trucks and too many people around. All in all, I don't miss giant drunkfests like this one. I drink very little these days due to my gout and amateur hour just isn't as fun as it once was for me. It doesn't help that everyone just isn't as interesting, funny, attractive or cool as I remember them being when I had half a dozen beers in me. Probably goes for me too though.
I ended up running into Tripp and Whitney whom Hollie and I initially planned on having dinner with but kind of forgot to schedule as our week flew by. They were out with Whitney's cousin. I ended up hanging out with them and catching the Cory Smith performance on the Harden Stage. He sounded great and even did a country rendition of Tom Petty's "You don't know how it feels to be me." After his set, I had my fill and headed home. I showered since I had been slowly basting all day in the shirt i was wearing and laid down for a quick nap then headed over to New Orleans Matt's house for a rugby get together. He made a couple different kinds of pulled pork and had a little fire going in the backyard. It was the customary rugby event with too much beer, lots of rough housing and laughs. I don't think anything got broke and no one was too naked this time. It was nice. Felt like I hadn't missed a minute. 

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