Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jess and Robin's Farm

After the outhouse races I headed out to see my coworker Jess's farm she runs with her partner Robin. They own over 400 acreas and keep easily 2 dozen animals. They have reindeer, goats, sheeps, horses, dogs, chickens, a duck and cows. On their property of course they also have moose and other wild critters running around including a covey of quail that was nibbling on see from the hay. A lot of their acreage is in hay and they do their own haying. it's a pretty cool place. I haven't spent much time around a working animal farm in a long while. Their place was almost as good as a petting zoo.
Mixed goats. Some no ear breeds. One that had an ear had it gnawed on by a lynx.

quail unlimited hunt. Look at them. You could almost step on them before they'd move.


Not quite full curl on the black one, had to leave the gun in the car. Plus the tag is too expensive for a non-resident. But next year watch out little black fella.
We had a staring contest going on but I kept laughing.

Mooooooo. Just Chilling.

Could it be, maybe, the reincarnation of a scroungey animal. Uncanny.

Look at those ears. Maybe he wasn't australian, maybe Alaskan???
They plan on using the dogs for herding in the future. If this little guy is anything like the original, no instructions required. Plug and play.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

awww Scrounge! He could stalk a tennis ball like a professional.