Sunday, March 27, 2011

Outhouse Races

Saturday we held the second annual Fort Greely in conjunction with the Cold Regions Test Center Outhouse Races. better known as Pottys on Ice. We oringianally only had 2 entrants down from 3 the year previous but at the last minute we threw together a scab team, scrounged up some volunteers and made it a three team round robin event. 3 races to determine the race champions. The Outhouses had a variety of ski designs to handle the high banksed left turn only 200 meter course. Each team could utilize up to 4 pushers. CRTC easily beat signal the first go round. Signal handled the impromptu team. The real shocker was the final race between the impromptu team and CTRC for a grudge. Since impromptu didn't have anti skid yak traks on they challenged CTRC to remove theirs to level the playing field. CRTC reluctantly gave up theirs. On the starting line CRTC was reminded the "rubbing is racing" and through a bit of unbalancing on the part of yours truly CRTC made a sharp left turn towards the inside ditch which they never recoverd from. Eventually the ditch ate them up whole and they lost the grudge match by at least 50 meters. Like my football coach said, win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat. He'd be so proud!!! Anyway, it was all in the name of fun, CRTC took home the gold seated throne while we brought up the rear :) Get it.

Our potty on ice. An left over entrant from last year.

Signal Bat including Directorate of Info Management

CRTC "the champs" There's a cannon on the front with 2 rolls of tp so it looks like a johnson. Pervs.

The trophys.

Check out the golden throne.

It was a sad day for Ford. This one got stuck and was pulled out by a Dodge. Damn. Sorry little brother.

After the races, everyone enjoyed the sled will with tow rope. There was a small ramp at the bottom that all the CRTC guys started trying to get big air off of with some spectacular crashes.

CRTC also busted out the fire ring and Outdoor Rec supplied some wood. Post housing brought out some dogs and marshmallows and the fun was on. You can see my dog stuck in the ground on the far side roasting in a proper unattended manner. That's how the pros do it anyway.
The day was an absolute blast with no trips to the emergency room. Knock on wood.

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