Monday, February 28, 2011

My strange life.

I met with a family last night that lets rooms in their mansion of a house. If they let me, I'll be moving in for a few months until Hollie makes it up. It's pricey for the Lower 48 at $550 a month but compared to $1000+ rent, its a steal. Especially since I will be gone for half of the next three months. I head back to SC to spend some quality time with Hollie during her Spring Break from USC and to catch up with the fellas and say 'hi'. In April I head to the DC area for 4 weeks for an Army leadership course. I'd leave all of my stuff in storage but what a pain to try to find a place the day I get back, hotels aren't cheap. Unfortunately, I haven't made any new friends close enough to ask to crash on their couch for more than a night or two. Guess that's just part of living someplace new. So anyway, this family lets out rooms. They are a couple with an 11 yr old daughter and 2 other roomies in like a 3500 sq ft house. Huge basement with a pool table, dart board, workout room, music studio. They also have some giant doggies. Mixed alaskans, probably 80 pounds or so and full of energy. The room is fairly nice and has a bathroom right next door to it including shower. They live out in the woods on some acreage too, good for walks once it warms a bit more. Basically, a good family home where I can leave my meager possessions for awhile. If they call back and agree to let me live there.
Forward to my upcoming vacay. i've enjoyed the cold, but I think I will bask in the warmth that is SC more than usual this trip. Such a contrast to the cold. Unless it starts raining a bunch which March can be prone to do.  I remember a St. patty's just a few years ago in 5Points downtown that blew in a torrential downpour and the temp dropped at least 30 degrees in a matter of minutes. It was miserably cold almost instantly. Not good when you aren't expecting it.

I took some pictures over the weekend, then the camera died. The charger and extra battery are in SC, which I will retrieve when I head down there in a week or so. Until then, pictures will have to come from the Iphone. Not ideal, but good enough will have to do.


Anonymous said...

Hey kid, it got up to 86* in SC today. We actually had to turn on the AC. Give me a shout when you head back this way.


Anonymous said...

You know I will. Stay cool. I'm working on my first million, how to get some of this cold down to SC so you won't have to run your AC in February. Maybe I can bottle it?!