Saturday, February 12, 2011

House in the woods

Here's the driveway covered in snow, notice no tracks whatsoever. When I pulled in off the highway, I cut it a little close and hung the left side in the ditch, which has no packed snow. I had to dig out a runway to get unstuck. Luckily I put the shovel in just the other day.

Here's the driveway the other direction.

You can see the cordwood construction well. The sun was full on shining and we were hovering around 0 degrees. Warm in the sun without a breeze.

Here' the west side of the house. See the satelitte dishy up there. They repaired it with duct tape. One of the trifecta of redneck repair jobs; glue, tape and wire.

The upstairs and garage are traditional log building. Here's the corner of the garage.

Here's the view off the lower front porch.

Wind generator.

Solar panels sitting in full sun!

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