Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Ebb and Flow. No matter where we are we find comforting rhythms and begin routines. Whether it is backpacking, college, work, or living in Alaska. i have found my stride and other than not having a place to call my own yet, I have settled into a rhythm. Sure it breaks from time to time for stuff like Holidays or work that has to get done but overall my days are the same. I wake with the sun more or less. Shower. Brush my teeth. Put on my clothes. Head to breakfast. Then off to work. Work consists of my to do list and steadily working through it one task at a time. Even in Alaska the change isn't too profound, just better scenery and colder winters. I checked out the view today from where my new office window will be, let's just say its postcard quality, but alas when I see it I will be inside. For shame.
Would it be much different if I were living in a cabin without a job?! I'd still rise with the sun, brush my teeth, put on clothes, stoke the fire, make and eat breakfast then commense the daily chores. Not too much different, other than maybe being able to make more free time. I actually have a fair amount of free time right now in reality, just no one to spend it with, once Hollie gets here I expect a drastic change in our lives together. Plus it will be summer with crazy long days to fill with fun.
I promised Hollie that I wouldn't venture too far from relative safety alone, I am keeping my word so far, but am growing restless in this regard. I imagine soon, I may bundle up and head off into the hills for a long walk. I'll be sure to take my pistola and let somebody know where I'm headed. What's life without a little adventure?!!

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