Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning weekend

The next few days are very busy days for me.
Today- Meet the realtor down at the house to look inside and see the plat maps for the site. Discuss the electrical, heat and water systems. Then hit the gym. Black History month event at the office auditorium. Qalk through the CAC to see the progress. Drive out to Clearwater Lodge and check out there site for comparison to see what our competition in the area looks like.
Tomorrow- Try to get the laser engraver going at the Woodshop in the am. Then in the afternoon I am taking a class at University of Alaska Extension here in town on Solar electric systems.
Saturday- another class through U of A for energy efficient and sustainable building systems for Alaska. They are going to discuss insulations, windows, roofing systems, alternate energy systems, etc.
A lot of knowledge crammed into 12 hours of learning, I hope it's worthwhile.
At least I'm keeping busy and not sitting around the hotel room watching tv or playing Call of Duty.
It was pretty nice this morning, only 10 below and no wind. and Sunny, the sun gains 7 minutes a day. it's pretty cool, it is dawn like around 0730 right now. That means by March 1st it should be getting light around 630. Pretty cool. I'm looking forward to 21 hours of daylight. That'll be awesome.

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