Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This week

Wow. What a change a week makes!!! The sun is out, the birds are singing, the moose are chasing every blade of green grass they can find. Right out the front door of work, a juvenile was down on his front knees mowing down the fresh shoots of grass. Alaska is starting to bloom. About damn time!!
This week has been chill. I killed Richard and myself at the gym with the weights. We are doing all supersets lasting about 45 minutes daily, oxygen robbing to say the least. Today he could barely straighten his arms out his tris were so whooped. I've been going back at night for some extra heavy stuff to try to grow a bit more and lean up as well. Fatass that I am!!
Last night I ate my paleo dinner a bit late, Penni, the landlady looked at my pile of steak, bacon, sausage, hotdogs, eggs, avacodo and banana and had this odd look of almost disgust on her face. She said "what an interesting pile of food on that plate." I took it as an envious comment. Of course, if my heart gives out tomorrow, you'll know why. At least I've been warm at night :) protein calories!!
Today was post clean up day and I got to be part of the grill team, Tyler and I. We cooked a gross of dogs for the crew. The bad part was I had to go to housing this morning and they usually have cookies sitting around. Today they were chocolate chip straight out of the oven, oh so gooey and good. I told myself I could have one, then like a crack addict, I couldn't stop. 4 cookies later I was dragging my ass out kicking and screaming to keep from eating more!!! Oh the carb monster's desires. So bad.
Lunch wasn't much better since it was potluck, always pasta salad and chips around. I had unleashed the carb monster for the morning so I called it a cheat day and cheat I did. Ugh! Back to meat, meat and more meat tonight. I've got to slug down a couple steaks over the next two days since I'm going out of town, don't want them to go bad. I'm headed to Fairbanks after work tomorrow for rugby practice. Then Friday I'm going to chill at Crossfit and Barnes and Noble before we head down to Anchorage for the Mother Tucker rugby tournament on Saturday. I'm fairly fired up. I've shed a few more pounds and plussed up my leg fitness since my last match and want to see how I can handle the load now.
I already started recruiting for Fairbanks Rugby as well. Coming back last time I stopped by the Crossfit box in Fairbanks and met the owner, he wants to ball. He's intrigued by rugby. So I called him to see if he wanted to come to practice. He's down. He even asked a friend to come along. The more the merrier. Awesome. Now maybe we can get some of the fellas from the team to try out his gym and blam, a match made in heaven. Ah, how diabolical I can be sometimes.
I finally decided to move into a place of my own. I met with housing today. I've decided on post is the way to go. a bit spendy but I can walk to work in 5 minutes or ride my bike there in a minute. Saving gas is good. I might even sell my Tacoma now that the 4runner is shipping.
I got a three bedroom with a full semi finished basement and heated garage, all electric included. I'm on an end and my master bedroom has a view of the mountains to the south. It does have retro 70s orange kitchen counter tops but that's the price you pay. I'm thinking of turning my garage into a gym if the boss waves us off on the Fort Greely Crossfit gym idea. I can set it all up in my heated garage and blast away all winter. Probably not too hard to get a couple folks to join in either.
I'm also stoked about getting "our stuff" out of storage in Fairbanks. It'll be great just to see our stuff again. The stinky couch and our sagging bed, oh how I've missed them.
There are also opportunities on post that town doesn't have. golf driving range, skeet range, archery range, gym and pool, theater, church right there, paved plowed roads, atvs and snowmachines at hand. I think it'll be great overall even if a little small town compared to the other places I've lived. Of course, I get to be the event master once my new building gets completed. For now,  I just hope my one neighbor is pretty quiet. I move in 1 June, so I'll try to get pics of the movers setting up and definitely the orange countertops. Anyone who wants to visit, you'll be set with a place in a week or so.
Look for pictures of rugby in Anchorage next Monday.
dan out.

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