Sunday, May 15, 2011

Relay for Life

I found out about the Relay for Life on Thursday. Basically, it is a 24 hour walking relay to raise awareness for cancer solutions and to raise money for cancer education and research. It began Friday night at 1800 and went non-stop until 1800 Saturday. Teams had their own sections to hang out, sleep, cook, eat, sell stuff for fundraisers, etc. I hung out with the Lester clan on Friday night for a few hours and met Richard's family, which is quite extensive. This is definitely a community and family event. I was disappointed that more of the units and groups on Fort Greely didn't enter teams of their own. But, like I said I only heard about it on Thursday.
The track was full of signs with Cancer quotes on them all around the inside of the high school track, where the walk took place.

Lions club had a giant food tent serving meals all the way through the event. Here you can see the track and the luminaries lining the track. They lit them during the evening for the night walkers.

Each luminary was in memory or honor of a cancer victim or survivor. At one point, they read all of the names on the luminaries.

This group decided to let folks whack at a car with a sledgehammer for charity.

Most groups had a fire ring of some sort to help with the evening chill. This was at the Lester site. Notice the horseshoe legs. The dry grass did set ablaze at one point, but was quickly and deftly abated by Richards father with the local supersoaker water pack provided by the FD.

As part of the relay, each team had a baton to pass to keep going for the full 24 hours. I thought this one was the best. It's good to know someone in the PD has a sense of humor. Yep, that's a donut and cup of coffe!!!
Since I wasn't part of an official team, I just walked for moral support, talking to a few walkers along the way and to help add numbers to the effort. I ended up walking exactly 10 miles total in about 3 hours. One lady, who is now my inspiration, walked the full 24 hours of the event, non stop minus potty breaks. She had to be in her 50s if not older. She walked about 50 miles, I'm sure she is tuckered out today. It amazes me the will of the human spirit. They said that she has had several family members battle cancer, her driving motivation.

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