Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Buffalo Diner

Every town in America has a drive up diner, and if they don't they should. Delta Junctions is the Buffalo Drive-in. It opened last week and right away was engulfed in regular patrons. The picture above is from the second day it was open, mind you it was still only 55 degrees but sunny when I took this shot. Earlier in the day kids were taking field trips to the Buffalo for cones. Two things make this one a little different from those in the lower 48, I know this is a generalization and likely Montana or Idaho have one with the same things. The first thing that makes the Buffalo different is the appearance of buffalo on the menu. Good. Wholesome. leaner than beef with the same or more protein and purportedly grown right here in Delta Junction, mmmm mmm good. The other thing is visible in the front of the picture. Alaska, but especially Delta, is a no nonsense, whatever works kind of place. For many folks that mean alternate transportation that is not only cheaper than a second car, but a heck of a lot more fun. Right there in the front is a fella on a blue 4 wheeler atv. Notice that he was smart enough to wear a safety vest and helmet. Good for you buddy, keep that egg from getting scrambled when you take a tumble. Otherwise, the Buffalo is a shop like most any other drive in in America.  Lots of grilling and frying and soft serve ice cream. L'americana at its best.

In SC, the one I frequented was the Dairy Bar, or Barn, as I like to call it. They have amazing fried chicken sandwiches. Last Fall I had a small infatuation with the things for a couple weeks. Also it was often difficult to make it to the house past them without stopping for a small vanilla cone, Hollie and I shared one during this last visit. Not paleo, but cheats every now and again aren't too bad.
I haven't actually tried the drive in Delta yet but everyone raves about their burgers. Wednesday when Richard and I went it wasn't open for lunch only dinner so I missed out that day but, I'm hoping to make it out there one of these afternoons when I'm not at the gym and have a healthy appetite.

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